Wild Horse Crisis
The United States has created a
Wild Horse and Climate Crisis
12 states comprising 248m acres of public range lands belonging to the American people and are the lands wild horses call home.

Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Public range lands allow multiple use leases to private interests for mining, drilling, and ranching. The overuse of these leases has called for the destruction of the range and its inhabitants, specifically wild horses.
The federal government and the taxpayers of the United States are
spending over $100 million a year towards rounding up wild
horses. Taking them off our public rangelands and putting them in
inhumane government-holding facilities to benefit special interest groups.
Rewilding America Now is engaged in creating policies that not only protect Wild Horses, but allow wild horse grazing to create sustainable environmental systems that are critical to our survival and that of our public lands, as well as restore our relationship with our four-hoofed friends.
Along with these initiatives tax opportunities and socio-economic initiatives that will benefit all. Be a part of the movement to Rewild.
Drivers and Solutions
Wild Horses living on public rangelands are considered an invasive species. 73,520 Wild Horses and Burros (58,952 wild horses and 14,568 burros) suffer year after year from helicopter chases, inhumane government holding facilities, and a dependence on a landscape ravaged by industry and intensive farming.
Special interest groups are fighting for use of public lands and want horses off it. They are driving and benefitting from this abuse of public lands while methane emissions from agricultural farming, oil, and fracking are contributing to desertification and the 'megadrought' in the Great Basin states.
Enter Rewilding: a groundbreaking new approach reconnecting people with Nature in a manner consistent with ecosystem resilience and societal wellbeing. Rewilding with native species is now a well-documented practice and the results are incredibly clear. Our projects and science demonstrate that this is the direction we must follow.